Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Food List (phase 2 menu)

-chicken breast
-fresh white fish

Occasionally you can switch out your meat for eggs. Take 1 whole egg and add the whites of 3 eggs as a replacement. The other replacement that you can do is 3.5oz of cottage cheese made from skim milk.

-red radishes

You can't mix vegetables except for:
-lettuce and tomatoes
-lettuce and cucumber
-lettuce and red radishes

-At least 64 fluid ounces of water a day
-Any amount of black coffee
-Any amount of tea
-One tablespoon of skim milk PER DAY

-strawberries (6-9 with your meals)
-grapefruit (1/2 a grapefruit with your meals)

-Grissino bread stick
-Melba toast
(it was very specific)

Any no calorie sweetener, hcgdiet.com heavily endorses stevia. They have flavored stevia drops and things like that. No sugar at all.

-the juice of one lemon per day
-mustard powder
-sweet basil
-salsa or pico de gallo (with NO SUGAR) in moderation
Make sure to read spice labels to make sure there is no sugar.

Your meals would look like this.
Breakfast: any amount of coffee or tea.
Lunch: 3.5 oz of meat, any reasonable amount of 1 vegetable, 1 fruit serving, 1 bread serving.
Dinner: 3.5oz of meat, any reasonable amount of 1 vegetable, 1 fruit serving, 1 bread serving.

You can't eat the same meat for both meals. But. You can break your meals up. Example.
Breakfast: any amount of coffee or tea, 1 fruit serving.
Lunch: 3.5 oz of meat, any reasonable amount of 1 vegetable.
Snack: 1 bread serving.
Dinner: 3.5 oz of meat, 1 fruit serving.
Snack: 1 bread serving, any reasonable amount of 1 vegetable.

If you decide to break your meals up, you do need to make sure you are not eating both fruits or breads at once (e.g. both breads for breakfast, both fruits as a snack).

(all this information taken from http://www.hcgdiet.com/hcg-diet-menu.html)

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